Saturday, December 29, 2007

Simple Things

Simple things make me happy.
Sometimes I forget this. I surround myself with stuff. Stuff is expensive. I don't need stuff to be happy.
I need the following:
  • Jesus.
  • Christ.
  • Yeshua.

That's about it.

However, I do also like the following things-

  • Grandparents. Especially mine. I stay at their house over breaks, since my mom's house is a bit small for me and Aidan to stay there. My grandparents are amazing. They take a tough situation and make it better. Just today grandma taught me how to make punch that has a "kick"; yet is non-alcoholic. As I type this, my grandpa is in the background whistling, "Ma Liki-liki Maka" from Christmas Vacation. :D
  • My little siblings. They're ridiculous and crazy, but they always make me laugh. Just the other day my 7 year old sister, Hope told me that I am "wonderful". My 4 year old brother, Trevor thinks that i am a mountain, and makes me grab his arms so he can climb me.
  • My family. Last night I went to "Bob's" with my grandparents, Aidan, and my little cousin Jalen who now refers to himself as, "Lord Jefferson Steelflex". My new name is "Dr. Rick Teasdale, psychologist" and Aidan is , "Kenneth Noisewater, M.D." I bet Jalen U.S. $10 that I could get our waitress' #, but called it off when we decided she was not what we would consider attractive. We laughed more than we ate, and discussed church politics. The G-Rents told Aidan and I that we should start a church in Fostoria. We declined, 'cause Nazareth didn't like Jesus.
  • Friends. Tonight, my broseph Brad and I shall be losers, and go to our highschool basketball game to join the student section in taunting Ottawa-Glandorf.
  • End.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Does Jesus Want to Fight Santa?

So, I was talking to my grandpa the other day, and he asked me how I felt about Santa-more specifically, as Christians, should we encourage or promote the belief in Santa Clause since Santa tends to overshadow the celebration of Jesus' birth?

My response was this: can we find Christ-like themes in Santa Clause? Yes- Santa loves all people, yet is just. Santa promotes giving, (not spending) and is a bringer of joy. The actual "Saint Nick" brought hope to the poor as he would throw bags of money through windows. Why can't we show Santa some love, while continuing to emphasize the person of Jesus and the importance of his coming?
We could use the metaphor of Santa as an instructional tool for our children (not that I have any of my own). I.E. Just as we look forward to the coming of Santa, and watch for his arrival on Christmas Eve, Israel was waiting and watching for their savior. Just as Santa brings gifts that we did not earn, The Christ would bring grace that we did not deserve.
Do we need to through the Santa out with the bathwater?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Lost a Friend: One Year Later

As I sit here on this cold Thursday in December, I'm reminded of where I was last year on December 21. At four o'clock I was working the final hour of my shift at McDonald's, and was surprised to see my best friend Jordan come through the door. He had come to remind me of his Christmas program at his church that night in Toledo, and asked me if I had my Bible in my car. I was somewhat short with him, since I was working and everything, and told him that I didn't have it; it was at my house. He said ok, and that he'd see me later. In my hurry I ended our conversation with an abrupt, "See ya later!" Had I known I would never see him again, I probably would've thought of something more meaningful.

I've thought through that exchange hundreds of times. What would I have said had I known? My first reaction is that I would tell him not to go, as he would not make it all the way to the church that evening. But what if I couldn't save him from the accident that would claim his life? What if all I could do is let him know how much he meant to me?

This is what I would say:

You mean the world to me. You've been the best friend I could ever ask for. There's no one I would have rather played Thomas the Tank Engine, Lego's, Transformers, or a "gun game" with. In our teen years there's no one I would have rather killed repeatedly in Halo (was it like 15 times in a row that one day?). I had a blast when we did our homeschool work together, even though we often didn't get much accomplished. As we got older there was no one who listened as intently to my hopes, dreams, and fears as you. I really didn't mind that you dated Christal after I did. I'm actually really glad you did, because it got her to leave me alone!

I'm glad that I was able to be there for you through your parent's divorce, and thanks so much for listening to me complain during my parent's; thanks also for a person to cry with, as well as laugh with and provide a safe place for me to just get away from the fighting and everything. I'm also extremely glad that the bond of our friendship has been strengthened by our mutual faith in the God who loves us. You've been the best friend I could ever imagine, and I'm so thankful that God made it possible for us to be such great friends. I will miss you more than you can fathom. I Love You. And I will see you again.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Advent Mood

I'm going to start this blog off on a positive note: life's pretty crappy right now. I'm in a transitional phase. Things are changing, and it's been a rather interesting first semester.

Life's never quite what you expected; can I get an amen? I guess if it was expected it would be rather boring. Currently, I am single, (which I would have thought to be an impossibility had you asked me in August), just finished my first semester of college with all A's (Score!), am contemplating switching from a Youth Ministry to Psychology major, and am spending the Christmas break at my grandparent's home in beautiful Fostoria, OH. (Come for the trains, stay because you've been shot in the spleen!)

I'm constantly made more aware of my need for a Savior. I feel pretty bound and far from Home right now. Much like in our Christian calendar, I'm in a somewhat dark, reflective phase right now, but I feel that hope is coming, and has come. This time is difficult, but it won't be here forever.

To this phase of my life, I say: "The Sun will set for you!" (A special thank you goes out to Linkin Park for a song that's pretty sweet.)